
Package org.jivesoftware.smack

Core classes of the Smack API.


Interface Summary
ChatManagerListener A listener for chat related events.
ConnectionCreationListener Implementors of this interface will be notified when a new Connection has been created.
ConnectionListener Interface that allows for implementing classes to listen for connection closing and reconnection events.
PacketInterceptor Provides a mechanism to intercept and modify packets that are going to be sent to the server.
PacketListener Provides a mechanism to listen for packets that pass a specified filter.
PrivacyListListener Interface to implement classes to listen for server events about privacy communication.
RosterListener A listener that is fired any time a roster is changed or the presence of a user in the roster is changed.
SmackInitializer Defines an initialization class that will be instantiated and invoked by the SmackConfiguration class during initialization.

Class Summary
AbstractConnectionListener The AbstractConnectionListener class provides an empty implementation for all methods defined by the ConnectionListener interface.
AccountManager Allows creation and management of accounts on an XMPP server.
Chat A chat is a series of messages sent between two users.
ChatManager The chat manager keeps track of references to all current chats.
Connection The abstract Connection class provides an interface for connections to a XMPP server and implements shared methods which are used by the different types of connections (e.g.
Connection.InterceptorWrapper A wrapper class to associate a packet filter with an interceptor.
Connection.ListenerWrapper A wrapper class to associate a packet filter with a listener.
ConnectionConfiguration Configuration to use while establishing the connection to the server.
LoggingInitializer Initializes the Java logging system.
PacketCollector Provides a mechanism to collect packets into a result queue that pass a specified filter.
PrivacyList A privacy list represents a list of contacts that is a read only class used to represent a set of allowed or blocked communications.
PrivacyListManager A PrivacyListManager is used by XMPP clients to block or allow communications from other users.
ReconnectionManager Handles the automatic reconnection process.
Roster Represents a user's roster, which is the collection of users a person receives presence updates for.
RosterEntry Each user in your roster is represented by a roster entry, which contains the user's JID and a name or nickname you assign.
RosterGroup A group of roster entries.
SASLAuthentication This class is responsible authenticating the user using SASL, binding the resource to the connection and establishing a session with the server.
SmackConfiguration Represents the configuration of Smack.
XMPPConnection Creates a socket connection to a XMPP server.

Enum Summary
ChatManager.MatchMode Defines the different modes under which a match will be attempted with an existing chat when the incoming message does not have a thread id.
ConnectionConfiguration.SecurityMode An enumeration for TLS security modes that are available when making a connection to the XMPP server.
Roster.SubscriptionMode An enumeration for the subscription mode options.

Exception Summary
XMPPException A generic exception that is thrown when an error occurs performing an XMPP operation.

Package org.jivesoftware.smack Description

Core classes of the Smack API.


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