
Class Connection

  extended by org.jivesoftware.smack.Connection
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class Connection
extends java.lang.Object

The abstract Connection class provides an interface for connections to a XMPP server and implements shared methods which are used by the different types of connections (e.g. XMPPConnection or BoshConnection). To create a connection to a XMPP server a simple usage of this API might look like the following:

 // Create a connection to the XMPP server.
 Connection con = new XMPPConnection("");
 // Connect to the server
 // Most servers require you to login before performing other tasks.
 con.login("jsmith", "mypass");
 // Start a new conversation with John Doe and send him a message.
 Chat chat = connection.getChatManager().createChat("", new MessageListener() {

public void processMessage(Chat chat, Message message) { // Print out any messages we get back to standard out. System.out.println("Received message: " + message); } }); chat.sendMessage("Howdy!"); // Disconnect from the server con.disconnect();

Connections can be reused between connections. This means that an Connection may be connected, disconnected and then connected again. Listeners of the Connection will be retained accross connections.

If a connected Connection gets disconnected abruptly then it will try to reconnect again. To stop the reconnection process, use disconnect(). Once stopped you can use connect() to manually connect to the server.

Matt Tucker, Guenther Niess
See Also:

Nested Class Summary
protected static class Connection.InterceptorWrapper
          A wrapper class to associate a packet filter with an interceptor.
protected static class Connection.ListenerWrapper
          A wrapper class to associate a packet filter with a listener.
Field Summary
protected  java.util.Collection<PacketCollector> collectors
          A collection of PacketCollectors which collects packets for a specified filter and perform blocking and polling operations on the result queue.
protected  XMPPInputOutputStream compressionHandler
protected static java.util.List<XMPPInputOutputStream> compressionHandlers
protected  ConnectionConfiguration config
          Holds the initial configuration used while creating the connection.
protected  int connectionCounterValue
          A number to uniquely identify connections that are created.
protected  java.util.Collection<ConnectionListener> connectionListeners
          A collection of ConnectionListeners which listen for connection closing and reconnection events.
static boolean DEBUG_ENABLED
          Value that indicates whether debugging is enabled.
protected  SmackDebugger debugger
          The SmackDebugger allows to log and debug XML traffic.
protected  java.util.Map<PacketInterceptor,Connection.InterceptorWrapper> interceptors
          List of PacketInterceptors that will be notified when a new packet is about to be sent to the server.
protected reader
          The Reader which is used for the debugger.
protected  java.util.Map<PacketListener,Connection.ListenerWrapper> recvListeners
          List of PacketListeners that will be notified when a new packet was received.
protected  SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication
          The SASLAuthentication manager that is responsible for authenticating with the server.
protected  java.util.Map<PacketListener,Connection.ListenerWrapper> sendListeners
          List of PacketListeners that will be notified when a new packet was sent.
protected writer
          The Writer which is used for the debugger.
Constructor Summary
protected Connection(ConnectionConfiguration configuration)
          Create a new Connection to a XMPP server.
Method Summary
static void addConnectionCreationListener(ConnectionCreationListener connectionCreationListener)
          Adds a new listener that will be notified when new Connections are created.
 void addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener connectionListener)
          Adds a connection listener to this connection that will be notified when the connection closes or fails.
 void addPacketInterceptor(PacketInterceptor packetInterceptor, PacketFilter packetFilter)
          Registers a packet interceptor with this connection.
 void addPacketListener(PacketListener packetListener, PacketFilter packetFilter)
          Registers a packet listener with this connection.
 void addPacketSendingListener(PacketListener packetListener, PacketFilter packetFilter)
          Registers a packet listener with this connection.
abstract  void connect()
          Establishes a connection to the XMPP server and performs an automatic login only if the previous connection state was logged (authenticated).
 PacketCollector createPacketCollector(PacketFilter packetFilter)
          Creates a new packet collector for this connection.
 void disconnect()
          Closes the connection by setting presence to unavailable then closing the connection to the XMPP server.
abstract  void disconnect(Presence unavailablePresence)
          Closes the connection.
protected  void firePacketInterceptors(Packet packet)
          Process interceptors.
protected  void firePacketSendingListeners(Packet packet)
          Process all packet listeners for sending packets.
 AccountManager getAccountManager()
          Returns an account manager instance for this connection.
 ChatManager getChatManager()
          Returns a chat manager instance for this connection.
protected  ConnectionConfiguration getConfiguration()
          Returns the configuration used to connect to the server.
protected static java.util.Collection<ConnectionCreationListener> getConnectionCreationListeners()
          Get the collection of listeners that are interested in connection creation events.
abstract  java.lang.String getConnectionID()
          Returns the connection ID for this connection, which is the value set by the server when opening a XMPP stream.
protected  java.util.Collection<ConnectionListener> getConnectionListeners()
          Get the collection of listeners that are interested in connection events.
 java.lang.String getHost()
          Returns the host name of the server where the XMPP server is running.
protected  java.util.Collection<PacketCollector> getPacketCollectors()
          Get the collection of all packet collectors for this connection.
protected  java.util.Map<PacketInterceptor,Connection.InterceptorWrapper> getPacketInterceptors()
          Get a map of all packet interceptors for sending packets of this connection.
protected  java.util.Map<PacketListener,Connection.ListenerWrapper> getPacketListeners()
          Get a map of all packet listeners for received packets of this connection.
protected  java.util.Map<PacketListener,Connection.ListenerWrapper> getPacketSendingListeners()
          Get a map of all packet listeners for sending packets of this connection.
 int getPort()
          Returns the port number of the XMPP server for this connection.
abstract  Roster getRoster()
          Returns the roster for the user.
 SASLAuthentication getSASLAuthentication()
          Returns the SASLAuthentication manager that is responsible for authenticating with the server.
 java.lang.String getServiceCapsNode()
          Retrieve the servers Entity Caps node Connection holds this information in order to avoid a dependency to smackx where EntityCapsManager lives from smack.
 java.lang.String getServiceName()
          Returns the name of the service provided by the XMPP server for this connection.
abstract  java.lang.String getUser()
          Returns the full XMPP address of the user that is logged in to the connection or null if not logged in yet.
protected  void initDebugger()
          Initialize the debugger.
abstract  boolean isAnonymous()
          Returns true if currently authenticated anonymously.
abstract  boolean isAuthenticated()
          Returns true if currently authenticated by successfully calling the login method.
abstract  boolean isConnected()
          Returns true if currently connected to the XMPP server.
protected  boolean isReconnectionAllowed()
          Returns if the reconnection mechanism is allowed to be used.
abstract  boolean isSecureConnection()
          Returns true if the connection to the server has successfully negotiated encryption.
abstract  boolean isUsingCompression()
          Returns true if network traffic is being compressed.
 void login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Logs in to the server using the strongest authentication mode supported by the server, then sets presence to available.
abstract  void login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String resource)
          Logs in to the server using the strongest authentication mode supported by the server, then sets presence to available.
abstract  void loginAnonymously()
          Logs in to the server anonymously.
static void removeConnectionCreationListener(ConnectionCreationListener connectionCreationListener)
          Removes a listener that was interested in connection creation events.
 void removeConnectionListener(ConnectionListener connectionListener)
          Removes a connection listener from this connection.
protected  void removePacketCollector(PacketCollector collector)
          Remove a packet collector of this connection.
 void removePacketInterceptor(PacketInterceptor packetInterceptor)
          Removes a packet interceptor.
 void removePacketListener(PacketListener packetListener)
          Removes a packet listener for received packets from this connection.
 void removePacketSendingListener(PacketListener packetListener)
          Removes a packet listener for sending packets from this connection.
abstract  void sendPacket(Packet packet)
          Sends the specified packet to the server.
protected  void setServiceCapsNode(java.lang.String node)
          Set the servers Entity Caps node Connection holds this information in order to avoid a dependency to smackx where EntityCapsManager lives from smack.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final java.util.List<XMPPInputOutputStream> compressionHandlers


public static boolean DEBUG_ENABLED
Value that indicates whether debugging is enabled. When enabled, a debug window will apear for each new connection that will contain the following information:

Debugging can be enabled by setting this field to true, or by setting the Java system property smack.debugEnabled to true. The system property can be set on the command line such as "java SomeApp -Dsmack.debugEnabled=true".


protected final java.util.Collection<ConnectionListener> connectionListeners
A collection of ConnectionListeners which listen for connection closing and reconnection events.


protected final java.util.Collection<PacketCollector> collectors
A collection of PacketCollectors which collects packets for a specified filter and perform blocking and polling operations on the result queue.


protected final java.util.Map<PacketListener,Connection.ListenerWrapper> recvListeners
List of PacketListeners that will be notified when a new packet was received.


protected final java.util.Map<PacketListener,Connection.ListenerWrapper> sendListeners
List of PacketListeners that will be notified when a new packet was sent.


protected final java.util.Map<PacketInterceptor,Connection.InterceptorWrapper> interceptors
List of PacketInterceptors that will be notified when a new packet is about to be sent to the server. These interceptors may modify the packet before it is being actually sent to the server.


protected SmackDebugger debugger
The SmackDebugger allows to log and debug XML traffic.


protected reader
The Reader which is used for the debugger.


protected writer
The Writer which is used for the debugger.


protected SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication
The SASLAuthentication manager that is responsible for authenticating with the server.


protected final int connectionCounterValue
A number to uniquely identify connections that are created. This is distinct from the connection ID, which is a value sent by the server once a connection is made.


protected final ConnectionConfiguration config
Holds the initial configuration used while creating the connection.


protected XMPPInputOutputStream compressionHandler
Constructor Detail


protected Connection(ConnectionConfiguration configuration)
Create a new Connection to a XMPP server.

configuration - The configuration which is used to establish the connection.
Method Detail


protected ConnectionConfiguration getConfiguration()
Returns the configuration used to connect to the server.

the configuration used to connect to the server.


public java.lang.String getServiceName()
Returns the name of the service provided by the XMPP server for this connection. This is also called XMPP domain of the connected server. After authenticating with the server the returned value may be different.

the name of the service provided by the XMPP server.


public java.lang.String getHost()
Returns the host name of the server where the XMPP server is running. This would be the IP address of the server or a name that may be resolved by a DNS server.

the host name of the server where the XMPP server is running.


public int getPort()
Returns the port number of the XMPP server for this connection. The default port for normal connections is 5222. The default port for SSL connections is 5223.

the port number of the XMPP server.


public abstract java.lang.String getUser()
Returns the full XMPP address of the user that is logged in to the connection or null if not logged in yet. An XMPP address is in the form username@server/resource.

the full XMPP address of the user logged in.


public abstract java.lang.String getConnectionID()
Returns the connection ID for this connection, which is the value set by the server when opening a XMPP stream. If the server does not set a connection ID, this value will be null. This value will be null if not connected to the server.

the ID of this connection returned from the XMPP server or null if not connected to the server.


public abstract boolean isConnected()
Returns true if currently connected to the XMPP server.

true if connected.


public abstract boolean isAuthenticated()
Returns true if currently authenticated by successfully calling the login method.

true if authenticated.


public abstract boolean isAnonymous()
Returns true if currently authenticated anonymously.

true if authenticated anonymously.


public abstract boolean isSecureConnection()
Returns true if the connection to the server has successfully negotiated encryption.

true if a secure connection to the server.


protected boolean isReconnectionAllowed()
Returns if the reconnection mechanism is allowed to be used. By default reconnection is allowed.

true if the reconnection mechanism is allowed to be used.


public abstract boolean isUsingCompression()
Returns true if network traffic is being compressed. When using stream compression network traffic can be reduced up to 90%. Therefore, stream compression is ideal when using a slow speed network connection. However, the server will need to use more CPU time in order to un/compress network data so under high load the server performance might be affected.

true if network traffic is being compressed.


public abstract void connect()
                      throws XMPPException
Establishes a connection to the XMPP server and performs an automatic login only if the previous connection state was logged (authenticated). It basically creates and maintains a connection to the server.

Listeners will be preserved from a previous connection if the reconnection occurs after an abrupt termination.

XMPPException - if an error occurs while trying to establish the connection.


public void login(java.lang.String username,
                  java.lang.String password)
           throws XMPPException
Logs in to the server using the strongest authentication mode supported by the server, then sets presence to available. If the server supports SASL authentication then the user will be authenticated using SASL if not Non-SASL authentication will be tried. If more than five seconds (default timeout) elapses in each step of the authentication process without a response from the server, or if an error occurs, a XMPPException will be thrown.

Before logging in (i.e. authenticate) to the server the connection must be connected. It is possible to log in without sending an initial available presence by using ConnectionConfiguration.setSendPresence(boolean). If this connection is not interested in loading its roster upon login then use ConnectionConfiguration.setRosterLoadedAtLogin(boolean). Finally, if you want to not pass a password and instead use a more advanced mechanism while using SASL then you may be interested in using ConnectionConfiguration.setCallbackHandler( For more advanced login settings see ConnectionConfiguration.

username - the username.
password - the password or null if using a CallbackHandler.
XMPPException - if an error occurs.


public abstract void login(java.lang.String username,
                           java.lang.String password,
                           java.lang.String resource)
                    throws XMPPException
Logs in to the server using the strongest authentication mode supported by the server, then sets presence to available. If the server supports SASL authentication then the user will be authenticated using SASL if not Non-SASL authentication will be tried. If more than five seconds (default timeout) elapses in each step of the authentication process without a response from the server, or if an error occurs, a XMPPException will be thrown.

Before logging in (i.e. authenticate) to the server the connection must be connected. It is possible to log in without sending an initial available presence by using ConnectionConfiguration.setSendPresence(boolean). If this connection is not interested in loading its roster upon login then use ConnectionConfiguration.setRosterLoadedAtLogin(boolean). Finally, if you want to not pass a password and instead use a more advanced mechanism while using SASL then you may be interested in using ConnectionConfiguration.setCallbackHandler( For more advanced login settings see ConnectionConfiguration.

username - the username.
password - the password or null if using a CallbackHandler.
resource - the resource.
XMPPException - if an error occurs.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not connected to the server, or already logged in to the serrver.


public abstract void loginAnonymously()
                               throws XMPPException
Logs in to the server anonymously. Very few servers are configured to support anonymous authentication, so it's fairly likely logging in anonymously will fail. If anonymous login does succeed, your XMPP address will likely be in the form "123ABC@server/789XYZ" or "server/123ABC" (where "123ABC" and "789XYZ" is a random value generated by the server).

XMPPException - if an error occurs or anonymous logins are not supported by the server.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not connected to the server, or already logged in to the serrver.


public abstract void sendPacket(Packet packet)
Sends the specified packet to the server.

packet - the packet to send.


public AccountManager getAccountManager()
Returns an account manager instance for this connection.

an account manager for this connection.


public ChatManager getChatManager()
Returns a chat manager instance for this connection. The ChatManager manages all incoming and outgoing chats on the current connection.

a chat manager instance for this connection.


public abstract Roster getRoster()
Returns the roster for the user.

This method will never return null, instead if the user has not yet logged into the server or is logged in anonymously all modifying methods of the returned roster object like Roster.createEntry(String, String, String[]), Roster.removeEntry(RosterEntry) , etc. except adding or removing RosterListeners will throw an IllegalStateException.

the user's roster.


public SASLAuthentication getSASLAuthentication()
Returns the SASLAuthentication manager that is responsible for authenticating with the server.

the SASLAuthentication manager that is responsible for authenticating with the server.


public void disconnect()
Closes the connection by setting presence to unavailable then closing the connection to the XMPP server. The Connection can still be used for connecting to the server again.

This method cleans up all resources used by the connection. Therefore, the roster, listeners and other stateful objects cannot be re-used by simply calling connect() on this connection again. This is unlike the behavior during unexpected disconnects (and subsequent connections). In that case, all state is preserved to allow for more seamless error recovery.


public abstract void disconnect(Presence unavailablePresence)
Closes the connection. A custom unavailable presence is sent to the server, followed by closing the stream. The Connection can still be used for connecting to the server again. A custom unavilable presence is useful for communicating offline presence information such as "On vacation". Typically, just the status text of the presence packet is set with online information, but most XMPP servers will deliver the full presence packet with whatever data is set.

This method cleans up all resources used by the connection. Therefore, the roster, listeners and other stateful objects cannot be re-used by simply calling connect() on this connection again. This is unlike the behavior during unexpected disconnects (and subsequent connections). In that case, all state is preserved to allow for more seamless error recovery.

unavailablePresence - the presence packet to send during shutdown.


public static void addConnectionCreationListener(ConnectionCreationListener connectionCreationListener)
Adds a new listener that will be notified when new Connections are created. Note that newly created connections will not be actually connected to the server.

connectionCreationListener - a listener interested on new connections.


public static void removeConnectionCreationListener(ConnectionCreationListener connectionCreationListener)
Removes a listener that was interested in connection creation events.

connectionCreationListener - a listener interested on new connections.


protected static java.util.Collection<ConnectionCreationListener> getConnectionCreationListeners()
Get the collection of listeners that are interested in connection creation events.

a collection of listeners interested on new connections.


public void addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener connectionListener)
Adds a connection listener to this connection that will be notified when the connection closes or fails.

connectionListener - a connection listener.


public void removeConnectionListener(ConnectionListener connectionListener)
Removes a connection listener from this connection.

connectionListener - a connection listener.


protected java.util.Collection<ConnectionListener> getConnectionListeners()
Get the collection of listeners that are interested in connection events.

a collection of listeners interested on connection events.


public PacketCollector createPacketCollector(PacketFilter packetFilter)
Creates a new packet collector for this connection. A packet filter determines which packets will be accumulated by the collector. A PacketCollector is more suitable to use than a PacketListener when you need to wait for a specific result.

packetFilter - the packet filter to use.
a new packet collector.


protected void removePacketCollector(PacketCollector collector)
Remove a packet collector of this connection.

collector - a packet collectors which was created for this connection.


protected java.util.Collection<PacketCollector> getPacketCollectors()
Get the collection of all packet collectors for this connection.

a collection of packet collectors for this connection.


public void addPacketListener(PacketListener packetListener,
                              PacketFilter packetFilter)
Registers a packet listener with this connection. A packet listener will be invoked only when an incoming packet is received. A packet filter determines which packets will be delivered to the listener. If the same packet listener is added again with a different filter, only the new filter will be used.

NOTE: If you want get a similar callback for outgoing packets, see addPacketInterceptor(PacketInterceptor, PacketFilter).

packetListener - the packet listener to notify of new received packets.
packetFilter - the packet filter to use.


public void removePacketListener(PacketListener packetListener)
Removes a packet listener for received packets from this connection.

packetListener - the packet listener to remove.


protected java.util.Map<PacketListener,Connection.ListenerWrapper> getPacketListeners()
Get a map of all packet listeners for received packets of this connection.

a map of all packet listeners for received packets.


public void addPacketSendingListener(PacketListener packetListener,
                                     PacketFilter packetFilter)
Registers a packet listener with this connection. The listener will be notified of every packet that this connection sends. A packet filter determines which packets will be delivered to the listener. Note that the thread that writes packets will be used to invoke the listeners. Therefore, each packet listener should complete all operations quickly or use a different thread for processing.

packetListener - the packet listener to notify of sent packets.
packetFilter - the packet filter to use.


public void removePacketSendingListener(PacketListener packetListener)
Removes a packet listener for sending packets from this connection.

packetListener - the packet listener to remove.


protected java.util.Map<PacketListener,Connection.ListenerWrapper> getPacketSendingListeners()
Get a map of all packet listeners for sending packets of this connection.

a map of all packet listeners for sent packets.


protected void firePacketSendingListeners(Packet packet)
Process all packet listeners for sending packets.

packet - the packet to process.


public void addPacketInterceptor(PacketInterceptor packetInterceptor,
                                 PacketFilter packetFilter)
Registers a packet interceptor with this connection. The interceptor will be invoked every time a packet is about to be sent by this connection. Interceptors may modify the packet to be sent. A packet filter determines which packets will be delivered to the interceptor.

NOTE: For a similar functionality on incoming packets, see addPacketListener(PacketListener, PacketFilter).

packetInterceptor - the packet interceptor to notify of packets about to be sent.
packetFilter - the packet filter to use.


public void removePacketInterceptor(PacketInterceptor packetInterceptor)
Removes a packet interceptor.

packetInterceptor - the packet interceptor to remove.


protected java.util.Map<PacketInterceptor,Connection.InterceptorWrapper> getPacketInterceptors()
Get a map of all packet interceptors for sending packets of this connection.

a map of all packet interceptors for sending packets.


protected void firePacketInterceptors(Packet packet)
Process interceptors. Interceptors may modify the packet that is about to be sent. Since the thread that requested to send the packet will invoke all interceptors, it is important that interceptors perform their work as soon as possible so that the thread does not remain blocked for a long period.

packet - the packet that is going to be sent to the server


protected void initDebugger()
Initialize the debugger. You can specify a customized SmackDebugger by setup the system property smack.debuggerClass to the implementation.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the reader or writer isn't yet initialized.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the SmackDebugger can't be loaded.


protected void setServiceCapsNode(java.lang.String node)
Set the servers Entity Caps node Connection holds this information in order to avoid a dependency to smackx where EntityCapsManager lives from smack.

node -


public java.lang.String getServiceCapsNode()
Retrieve the servers Entity Caps node Connection holds this information in order to avoid a dependency to smackx where EntityCapsManager lives from smack.



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