Professional Partners
Get professional assistance for Openfire, Smack and Spark from the service providers listed below, including support services, customizations, and hosting.
Dele Olajide
Professional ServicesDele is a System Integrator and a full stack developer. He is also a long time member of the Ignite Realtime Community and can provide professional services for open source real-time communications projects which include Openfire, Smack, Spark and Pàdé.

Florian Schmaus
Smack Professional ServicesProvides paid services ranging from XMPP/Smack related consulting to designing and developing features in order to accommodate your needs.

Openfire SaaS & Baremetal serversOpenfire + Jitsi + Pàdé SaaS or Baremetal servers. Private Chat & realtime collaborative servers and services. Also providing expertise and consulting for realtime webrtc/jitsi/openfire projects

goodbytes.nlGoodBytes specializes in Openfire development and integration challenges, and provides installation, configuration, and maintenance services.

www.surevine.comSurevine specialises in secure collaboration solutions. We are technology agnostic but often find ourselves comprising solutions from open-source components and have a strong heritage in all things XMPP, including many of the Ignite Realtime components, and particularly Openfire. We can offer consultancy, support and bespoke development, as well as hosting, of XMPP-based digital services.

Version 2 Software
version2software.comVersion 2 Software creates custom software solutions, specializing in the customization and integration of Openfire and Spark. Version 2 Software has developed a number of Openfire and Spark plugins for both the Ignite Realtime community and private organizations.