Openfire 3.3.2 Javadoc

Interface IQResultListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
MulticastRouter, UserManager

public interface IQResultListener

An IQResultListener will be invoked when a previously IQ packet sent by the server was answered. Use IQRouter.addIQResultListener(String, IQResultListener) to add a new listener that will process the answer to the IQ packet being sent. The listener will automatically be removed from the IQRouter as soon as a reply for the sent IQ packet is received. The reply can be of type RESULT or ERROR.

Gaston Dombiak

Method Summary
 void receivedAnswer(IQ packet)
          Notification method indicating that a previously sent IQ packet has been answered.

Method Detail


void receivedAnswer(IQ packet)
Notification method indicating that a previously sent IQ packet has been answered. The received IQ packet might be of type ERROR or RESULT.

packet - the IQ packet answering a previously sent IQ packet.

Openfire 3.3.2 Javadoc

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