Wildfire v3.2.3 Pandion v2.5 Disconnect Bug

I just upgraded to OF v3.2.3 and discovered that if you send a message while using Pandion v2.5 that has an open quote it will cause the OF server to disconnect the Pandion client. This issue is not present in Wildfire v3.1.1.

Here is an example of the XMPP traffic that causes the disconnect.

SENT: <message type=“chat” xml:lang=“en” id=“sd49” to="hstack-test@im.pacwest.com/spark" from="hstack@im.pacwest.com/Pac-West IM"><body>"test</body><html xmlns=“http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im”><body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">"test</body></html><x xmlns=“jisp:x:jep-0038”><name>yahoo_messenger</name></x>&l t;active xmlns=“http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates”/></message>

RECV: </stream:stream>

A couple seconds after the message is sent a TCP reset message is sent from the Openfire server to the Pandion client.

Can any developers look in this?



Thanks for the bug report, I filed this as JM-1003.



Thanks, I just tested v.3.2.4 and the issue was resolved.
