Smile in the Spark 2.5.8

Hello. Can you please tell whether a Spark in the window smiles add a scroll bar? I want to add more smilies Spark, because I do not have those, there are installed:

If I add a few smiles, then all is well displayed:

But if I add them too much, they do not fit on the screen:
Please’ll show how to add a scroll bar to the window was of constant size, but by scrolling to select smilies. For example like this is done in qip: it possible to do something similar to Spark???

I’m not a programmer myself, so if possible write clearly and simply. P.S. Sami smiles I have been prescribed in the folder in the file sparkEmoticonSet.adiumemoticonset Emoticons.plist may need to make it any fixes? Or need to change the program itself??

Apologies for the lack of English proficiency. Text translated from Russian into Google-translator.

Sergei, Russia, Moscow.

This was filed a while ago as an improvement request - SPARK-1050. Currently it is not possible to make it show a scrollbar. It will require changes in the program’s source code.

Wroot, I saw a link, but not completely understood, it allowed itself to make changes to the source code to add a scroll bar to smiles? Or is it prohibited? If this is allowed, then how to do this, I have friends who help me if I did not do it.
Also in the link I saw the following text "Affects Version / s: 2.5.8, 2.6.0"
Coming soon version of Spark 2.6.0. ?? Or have I misunderstood? If it comes, it will be whether it made a scroll bar for smiles?

Text translated from Russian into Google-translator.

Sergei, Russia, Moscow.

Na dannyi moment net vozmoznosti sdelat prokrutku smailov. Dlia etogo nuzno korektirovat programnyi kod. Dannaya ssylka eto zaregistrirovannaya prosba o dannoy modifikacii koda (feature request). Budet li eto kogda to sdelano neizvestno (esli naidetca programmer dlia etogo). Kak eto sdelat ne znaju, ja ne programmer. 2.6.0 ukazano, potomu cto eto vozmoznaya sledujuscaja versija programmy. Vsem novym zaregistrirovanym prosbam ili soobscenijam ob osibkah ukazyvaetca sledujuscaja versija programmy. 2.6.0 ukazano v Affected, potomu cto dannaja problema aktualna i dlia 2.6.0 koda na dannyj moment (SVN versija). Kogda budet vypuscena 2.6.0 neizvestno. Esce ocen mnogo izmenenij nuzno sdelat, a programmer tolko odin i on dobrovolec i delaet eto v svobodnoe vremia.

Thanks for your reply.

Spasibo za otvet.
