Documentation Incorrect

I don’t see where I could report this directly to the admins, but there is a typo here: ration-guide.html

       <groupCountSQL>SELECT count(*) FROM myGroups</groupCountSQL>
       <allGroupsSQL>SELECT groupName FROM myGroups</allGroupsSQL>
       <userGroupsSQL>SELECT groupName FORM myGroupUsers WHERE username=?</userGroupsSQL>
       <descriptionSQL>SELECT groupDescription FROM myGroups WHERE groupName=?</descriptionSQL>
       <loadMembersSQL>SELECT username FORM myGroupUsers WHERE groupName=? AND isAdmin='N'</loadMembersSQL>
       <loadAdminsSQL>SELECT username FORM myGroupUsers WHERE groupName=? AND isAdmin='Y'</loadAdminsSQL>

“FORM” is incorrect - it should be “FROM”

JM-1513 created to track this issue. describes how bug reporting should work.


Ok, thank you!