Auto re-connection

Is there a way to program Asterisk-IM to reconnect automatically to the Asterisk Manager interface in case Asterisk restarts or the network connection becomes unavailable?

Each time I restart Asterisk, I need to manually restart the Asteirsk-IM plugin.

There is an auto reconnect feature in Asterisk-Java (the library used by Asterisk-IM to connect to Asterisk) but I think that’s currently disabled for Asterisk-IM.

The general problem is that it would try to reconnect forever even if the Asterisk server will be unavailable for a longer time which might cause other trouble…

I still feel that we need to get Asterisk-IM to re-connect automatically. Maybe we could get an option to re-connect automatically and have the administrator decide to enable or not this feature?

Can you set a timer to re-connect like 30 seconds?

Thank you for answering my posts.

Ok, i’ve created PHONE-68 so you can vote for it.