Red5 Sparkweb not logging in, Normal Sparkweb Fine


When I use Red5 SparkWeb after clicking login, nothing happens (I don’t get any error message, just nothing happens). Any ideas what is going on?

I have tried this on Windows 7(64-bit) with the latest flash player (downloaded 3 days ago).

I have also tried this on Windows XP and again have the same issue.

The normal Sparkweb is working fine, but I wanted to use TLS which is why I installed the Red5 plugin.




I have the same issue. Did you find a fix for this?



You need to patch Openfire. Use to replace openfire.jar. Openfire does not grant permission to port 5223 for Flash Player

Thanks for the Info, Fixed the issue.



where is openfire.jar, can’t find it?

I have not promised that my server is always running 24/7

hi dele, thanks for replying. i’ve downloaded the openfire.jar from the link, where will i place the file?

/lib/ worked for me

hi dave, thanks it works.

hello, i can login now but when you click on start chat button it gives these errors:

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at com.jivesoftware.spark::ChatRoom/set avatar()
at com.jivesoftware.spark::ChatRoom/init()
at com.jivesoftware.spark::ChatRoom/___ChatRoom_VDividedBox1_creationComplete()
at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()
at mx.core::UIComponent/set initialized()
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()
at Function/
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher2()
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()

make a telephone call button give the following errors:

ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on SparkWeb/invisibleScreen(). Expected 1, got 0.
at Function/
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher2()
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()

add contact button gives:

ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on SparkWeb/invisibleScreen(). Expected 1, got 0.
at Function/
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher2()
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()

how do i fix these errors?


I’ve got the same problem. But the jar file isn’t on the server. Where can I find it ?

There is a bug in Openfire. It does not return port 5223 as a permitted port to Flash Player> make the changes below and rebuild openfire.jar

See src\java\org\jivesoftware\openfire\net\

Line 115

if (stanza.startsWith(“”)) {
String crossDomainText = FlashCrossDomainServlet.CROSS_DOMAIN_TEXT +
XMPPServer.getInstance().getConnectionManager().getClientListenerPort() + “,” +
XMPPServer.getInstance().getConnectionManager().getClientSSLListenerPort() +
FlashCrossDomainServlet.CROSS_DOMAIN_END_TEXT + ‘\0’;

See src\java\org\jivesoftware\openfire\FlashCrossDomainHandler

Line 121

if (request.contains(“”) || request.contains(“GET /crossdomain.xml”)) {
XMPPServer.getInstance().getConnectionManager().getClientListenerPort() + “,” +
XMPPServer.getInstance().getConnectionManager().getClientSSLListenerPort() +

Here is the patched openfire.jar for version 3.6.4
openfire.jar (6416978 Bytes)

Thank you, I didn’t find how to build openfire. I’m trying, and I’ll give you some news in few minutes.

It doesn’t work

I replace the file, restart openfire, nothing. If the secured connexion is required in secured settings section*, using the Red5 pugling, when I try to login, I’ve got no error message and it ask me to login, as at the first place.

*I don’t english interface, so the english translation is maybe a little different.

Hi Dele,

Is there a Jira ticket for this issue / patch ?



Hi Daryl,

Jira ticket is

Unfortunately I don’t have a tool to generate the diff file, but the changes are explained at for anyone who can