Minor french language issues in console

In “Serveur” > “Interfaces”, there is an encoding problem:

Gateways Expérimentales

Les Gateways suivantes sont expérimentales et il est vivement déconseillé de les utiliser en environnement de production. Elles sont fournies pour les utilisateurs qui sont interessés par ces services instables et qui assument les risques liés à des dysfonctionnements potentiels.

In the menu on the left also:


In “Plugins”:


…should be:


That’s all I can detect now.


Two more minor issues:

1/ Tab “Server” > sub-tab “Server Manager” > menu “Server Information” should be translated to “Information sur le serveur”. The same for the content title.

2/ Tab “Server” > sub-tab “Server Settings” > menu “Profile Settings”, the content title lacks an “l”: “Paramètres de Profi” should be the same as the menu entry “Paramètres de Profil”.

Here is a patch against 3.5.2:

  • In “Plugins” tab, “Redémmarer” is now corrected to “Redémarrer”
  • In tab “Server” > sub-tab “Server Settings” > menu “Profile Settings”, the content title “Paramètres de Profi” is now corrected to “Paramètres de Profil”.
    patch-spelling-french.patch (2326 Bytes)


I filed this in Jira and tagged it for next release.



Thanks! I’ve committed your patch to the trunk. Nicolas, would you like to translate the new strings? I’ve attached the changelog and the current french language file.
changlog.txt.zip (1730 Bytes)
openfire_i18n_fr.properties.zip (37551 Bytes)