Status of http-bind in openfire 3.5.0


Does http binding work in openfire 3.5.0?

In openfire 3.3 the url http://server:8080/http-bind returned human-readbale html. In 3.5, the url returns a “400 bad request”.

Two questions:

  1. does http binding work ok in 3.5.0?

  2. does openfire 3.5.0 offer a way to visually check that http-binding is running correctly.

I posted earlier about writing a custom servlet to proxy from myserver:80 to myserver:7070 . It fails. A wireshark dump shows that the http-bind servlet returns the same ‘400 bad request error’ that I see via the browser.

Any comments?

thanks in advance,

bil m
error.log (431618 Bytes)
warn.log (42707 Bytes)
info.log (975836 Bytes)

Hey bil m,

Http binding is working fine in Openfire 3.5.0 and 3.5.1. I saw the 404 error that you are reporting but Sparkweb can still use http binding. Tomorrow I will try to see what is that 404 error about.


– Gato

It does not work for me in 3.5.1 either.

I hit the address /http-bind/domain: and I get “BAD_REQUEST” from Jetty (on port 7070)

I am getting the same error. Has this been resolved?

When you open http://localhost:7070/http-bind (or http://localhost/http-bing with proxy) in the browser - it’s allright to get 400 response, because BOSH should be POST request, not GET.

Try to change address (in echobot.js when you are trying strophe.js example) from /http-bind to /http-bind/

These two addresses are not the same for apache !!!

This was my problem. I hope it could help someone.


thanks very much! I solve the problem which of the 400 error with your help.

Yes. VJ solution is good. /http-bind and /http-bind/ work different for Apache.