Incorrect path in fastPath Form UI section

When going through a workgroup setup in fastpath I noticed the paths for some of the images is incorrect.

For example, the arrow path is specified as http://server:9090/plugins/fastpath/forms/images/arrow_down.gif whereas all the images are stored in …/fastpath/web/images as far as I can tell.

Funny that i have never thought to file it myself, though i have seen it a lot of times Ok, now i have filed this JM-1354

minor issue with a simple fix here…

If this issue “bugs” any other openfire admins out there (The issue w/ missing images on the Form UI setting)

I fixed this by simply copying the “images” folder from the plugins\fastpath\web to the plugins\fastpath\web\forms directory. You will need to create the forms directory since otherwise it did not exist.

Hope this helps someone

Temp workaround.

Under …/plugins/fastpath/web make a directory called “forms” and created a symbolic link to the images called images under the new forms directory. Alternatively you can copy the images directory to a new forms/images directory. Hope this helps.

Example symbolic link:

cd /plugins/fastpath/web

mkdir forms

cd forms

ln -s …/images/ images