New Mobile IM Client "KARYA" developed by using Openfire

Hi all,

Let me introduce myself first, I am Ozer Aydemir Senior Computer Engineer and co-founder of Bor Software LLC, Turkey ( , We have been implementing a new mobile IM client called “Karya - Messaging” and we are near to finish the app soon.

We are using extended openfire on server side (We extended it - especially http-binding ) and IM Gateway Plugin. The screenshots of application are on .We are planning to distribute application for free.

We are using a platform developed together with Verkata LLC in San Fransisco CA ( on client side.

If you are interested in the application (using alpha version, methodology …etc.), platform or have a question about extending openfire for special clients, IM Gateway (i think gateway guys are much more knowladgeble then me) please contact me at or directly send the mail to .

Have a nice weekend,

Ozer Aydemir

Co-founder, Computer Engineer, Msc.

Bor Software