Silent Install Options For Spark

Can anyone help please. Being new to Spark I am wondering if there is a silent install option list somewhere? I can silently install it using the -q option but want to be able to deploy the servername etc as well.

Any ideas would be greatfully received.



As far as I know, -q ia the only silent install option. To get things like servername populated automatically, the best way seems to be a script. We only have windows desktops here, so I used a quick and dirty vbscript to do the job, but any scripting language would do. It looks like the location of the file where the settings are stored has changed since I did it(around v 1.0.4). Here is a more current version of mine. If you can use it, feel free.

Set specialFolders = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”).SpecialFolders

Set args=Wscript.Arguments

Set fso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)

Set s = fso.CreateTextFile(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%homedrive%%homepath%") & “Spark\”, True, True)

Set WshNetwork=WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Network”)

strServer = “

strUserName = WshNetwork.UserName

s.writeLine “#Spark Settings”

s.writeLine “#Tue Sep 12 08:56:09 EDT 2006”

s.writeLine “password=”

s.writeLine “idleTime=5”

s.writeLine “idleOn=true”

s.writeLine “timeDisplayed=true”

s.writeLine “username=”&strUserName

s.writeLine “windowTakesFocus=false”

s.writeLine “hostAndPort=false”

s.writeLine “toasterPopup=false”

s.writeLine “timeout=5”

s.writeLine “xmppPort=5222”

s.writeLine “autoLoginEnabled=false”

s.writeLine “showHistory=true”

s.writeLine “showEmptyGroups=false”

s.writeLine “startOnStartup=true”

s.writeLine “server=”&strServer

s.writeLine “chatNotificationOn=true”

s.writeLine “startHidden=false”

s.writeLine “passwordSaved=true”

s.writeLine “spellCheckerEnabled=true”

s.writeLine “defaultChatLengthTimeout=15”


Unfortunately that has to be run for every user on every computer(unless the user has a roaming profile). For an active directory setup, you would ideally create an msi that has the install exe and then run the script. I didn’'t have much experience with creating those, so I initally used a batch file, a text file containing the networks computer names, and the psexec program found at After the initial install was done, I added that script to our “first login” script so the settings are there for future users.

Its ugly, but I don’'t see many other options without a msi installer with a few nice options.

Cool. Thanks very much for this. I have also seen a file called setup.ini that carries some arguments to setup. However I cannot seem to find any documentation on this.

Thaks for your scipt will take a look.

How do you find spark?

Cheers Chris