Spark Crashing computer!


I don’'t like the idea that Spark can crash a computer. It is run inside a (java) virtual machine, so one would have to blame SUN for their product.

Imho JiveSoftware or SUN products are not the reason for the crashes, even if they trigger them. Maybe some of your memory or your hard disc has defects. Or even your graphics card or any other driver could have a bug.

Lucky as you both are Derek did not offer you to try the Webstart version, but I think also there you will get BSD’'s.

It would be interesting to know the reason for the BSD’'s, is it always the same?


The message on the BSD is always the same, the function i am doing in Spark that causes the crash is always different. As far as having bad memory or hard disk, it would seem if that was the case that the crashes would show during other applications. I do a lot of video editing on this machine, so i use my memory a lot. I haven’'t had the crash expect for performing actions in Spark.

Are you using the JRE or NON-JRE version? If JRE, try

downloading the NON-JRE Version.

I’'m using the non-JRE version with my own installation of 1.5.0_06.

Also, is there any information in the error and warning logs

in the logs directory of Spark?

No, unfortunately not.

i was using the JRE version. So it looks like that wasn’'t the issue.

Hi, contains a long discussion about problems and workarounds. I hope that the information there is useful.


Got to have an answer for this. I was in the middle of an After Effects render, i went to resize my spark window and my computer crashed losing the render. The sun forum above didn’'t seem to offer a solution.


did you try to run Spark with one of these parameters: -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true , -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false or -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false ?

If you need a start script to do this let me know.


i’'m not a java guy. How do i do what you are suggesting? Thanks


save this script as spark.cmd in your Spark folder, maybe you need to adjust the first lines and then launch Spark using this script instead of Spark.exe.

Maybe you need to copy some files from Spark\resources to Spark\lib\windows. I have these files in my Spark\lib\windows folder: IeEmbed.exe jdic.dll jdic.jar MozEmbed.exe systeminfo.dll tray.dll jniwrap.dll jniwrap.lic[/b]

REM @echo off

set app_home=%PROGRAMFILES%\Spark

set java_home=%PROGRAMFILES%\Java\jre1.5.0_06

REM set autologin=-DQUERY_STRING=“username=test&password=test&server=jabber.localhost”

set CLASSPATH=%app_home%\lib\spark.jar

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%app_home%\lib\base.jar

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%app_home%\lib\smack.jar

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%app_home%\lib\smackx.jar

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%app_home%\lib\smackx-debug.jar

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%app_home%\lib\actication.jar

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%app_home%\lib\filetransfer.jar

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%app_home%\lib\windows\jdic.jar

cd /d “%app_home%”

REM run in background

REM use one of these parameters

REM -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false

REM -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false

REM -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true

REM start “” “%java_home%\bin\javaw.exe” -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true com.jivesoftware.Spark %autologin%

REM run in foreground

“%java_home%\bin\java.exe” -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true com.jivesoftware.Spark %autologin%


Message was edited: (added " jniwrap.dll jniwrap.lic")

Message was edited again: (Spark 104: added filetransfer.jar to CLASSPATH)

I’'m still seeing BSDs when using -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false, I try the other two options and report back.



i have made the cmd file, and launched spark with the file. But, when i close the cmd file spark closes. Is this normal? If so, I don’'t want this cmd running all the time.

Hi Flasher,

This would be just for testing. If it fixes your problem, I would make a fix in the installer to run with those given parameters.



Hi flasher,

take a look at the script, this one is easy. Just comment the “run in foreground” and uncomment the “run in background” option, it should look like this

REM run in background

start “” “%java_home%\bin\javaw.exe” …

REM run in foreground

REM “%java_home%\bin\javaw.exe” …



Hi Derek,

is it possible to add such a start script to Spark? I like it a lot, Spark starts up about 3 seconds faster than with Spark.exe.

There is a small problem with reconnects because Spark restarts itself and this fails using the script. Maybe one can change the Spark code that no restart is necessary to reconnect.


Running spark with the cmd, i couldn’‘t send a message. This doesn’‘t help me any, because i really couldn’'t test it. Is there a change to the file that can be made so that spark will running as intended?

Hi flasher,

I assume you’'re online, can you login here ? Maybe it is easier that way.



just an update about using the script. One needs to copy the jniwrap files from Spark\resources to Spark\lib\windows. One should have these files in its Spark\lib\windows folder: IeEmbed.exe jdic.dll jdic.jar MozEmbed.exe systeminfo.dll tray.dll jniwrap.dll jniwrap.lic

Without jniwrap the “Contacts” and “Conferences” Tabs will be missing and chatting is not possible.


Please make the code, given by IT2000 in the reply, apart of the next spark update. This needs to be done, because a lot people will be using the product on WinXP SP2. Thanks


using this option as default is not a good recommendation as Direct3D is disabled. Anyway I have sometimes the feeling that my gfx card displays Spark faster if D3D is disabled.

The problem has something to do with the driver of your graphics card. Maybe you can post the vendor/version/type here?

I’‘m also interested about Ryan’'s sucess, if any. And of course about his gfx card.


I have a Nvidia FeForce 6800 running dual monitors. Hope this helps.